
Commission A Portrait / Painting

Immortalize a Memory With a Painting -- a person, a bridge, city landmark, pet, bicycle, cars, motorcycle or something important to you. Start the conversation, email a photo of what you want painted.

Shelby. Oil on canvas, 24” x 18”

Tualatin. Oil on canvas, 36” x48”

Tualatin Chamber Office. Tualatin Chamber of Commerce | Tualatin, OR

Willamette Falls. Oil on canvas, 22” x 28” Blue heron Paper Mill next to the Falls, Oregon City, Oregon.

Willamette Falls | Oregon.com

Richard Gottfried. Oil on canvas, 22” x 28”

Victoria Grace. Oil on canvas, 40” x 32”

Alice Bollaci. Oil, 20” x 16”

Anneleah Jaxen. Oil on canvas, 48” x 36”

Charlie and Anneleah. Oil on canvas, 48” x 36”

Everette. Oil, 18” x 24”

Fremont Bridge. Oil on canvas. 60” x 108”

Date Opened: 1973

Type: Steel three-span half through tied arch, with orthotropic upper deck.

Engineer/ Designer: Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas, New York, New York; Werner Storch and Assoc., Portland, Oregon (concept)

Collection of Premier Mortgage Resources 1325 NW Flanders St. Portland, OR 503-235-6789 pmrmtg.com

Portland - PMR Loans

Fremont Bridge (Portland, Oregon) - Wikipedia

Julie and Dale. Oil on canvas, 24” x 36”

Quaker House. Oil, 24” x 36”

Mike. Oil on canvas, 16” x 12”

Reina Mooney. Oil on canvas, 36” x 24”

Amie Monsoor and Sister. Oil on canvas, 22” x 28”

Amie Monsoor and Fiancee. Oil on canvas, 20” x 39”

Artur and Cynthia. Oil on canvas, 28” x 22”

Sultanov Ballet Academy (sbadance.com)

Mitch. Oil on canvas, 20” x 16”

Paul Missal, Oil on canvas, 20” x 16”

Rabel’s House. Oil on canvas, 18” x 24”

Diane. Oil on canvas, 72” x 48”

Portrait of Woman. Oil. 16” x 12”

Gal on a Trestle. Oil on canvas. 48” x 36”

Maria. Oil on canvas, 18” x 28”

Email: chrismooneyart@gmail.com

Phone: (503) 320-0518

© Copyright all rights reserved Christopher B. Mooney 2020